Data breach & Identity Theft : A Run-through!

Jun 28 2021

Are you aware of Data Breach or Identity Theft?

IRS has been continually guiding and spreading awareness amongst people regarding #Frauds happening while filing the taxes. Frauds are not limited only to filing false taxes or filing taxes with incorrect data. False exemptions or deductions, a false or altered document, failure to pay tax, unreported income, failure to withhold, or failure to follow the tax laws are also considered “fraudulent activity.”
Cybercriminals can ruin your financial future and it becomes messy to do the damage control. Data and Identity theft have become more common issues nowadays. This truly brings our attention to our Data Security.

Have you been trapped under such circumstances?

IRS needs to be immediately informed if you suspect that your data has been hacked or it is not safe. IRS does not entertain law violations over calls. Hence you need to fill Form 3949-A, Information Referral if you suspect something. When you file a tax fraud incident, your identity will be kept confidential.

Also, make sure to not use this platform if you want to report a tax preparer or an abusive tax scheme. Create awareness, not aghastness!


You may not know you’re a victim of identity theft until you’re warned by the IRS of a possible issue with your return. Make sure to convey about the right documents to IRS if you are being penalized or sent a letter about suspicious tax filed. While filing taxes if you are facing any such issue, let us guide you.


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